Of all kinds of pollution ionizing radiation is by far the most subtle: humans have no sensory apparatus capable of warning them of this type of danger. Exposure can cause severe health problems.
Ionizing radiation may be caused by either natural or artificial nuclear reaction. Natural reaction sources include cosmic radiation which causes exposure of occupants of civil and military airplanes and astronauts alike. This radiation has two main components: primary radiation coming from space and secondary radiation resulting from the interaction of the former with the atmosphere. Ionizing radiation monitoring for working occupants of civil aircraft is mandated by law.

Flyrad provides the following services:
Monitoring and assessment of the High Altitude Cosmic Radiation, as per Euratom 96/29, EU-OPS 1.390 and D.Lgs 257/01 (Italian National Rule):
- Calculation and assessment of the doses absorbed by Flight Crew and passengers during the flights;
- Filing of the Dosimetry Control Log and absorbed dose certification;
- Data validation and certification done by a Third Degree Qualified Expert;
- Radiation monitoring done through the use of own instrumentation;
- Continuous Space Weather Monitoring to check for increased Solar Activity;
- Issue of Warnings in case of increased Solar Activity with a recommendation to reduce maximum flight altitude;
- Training of Aircrew and passengers (travelling for business) on Cosmic Radiation issues.
Analysis, assessment, prevention and protection against natural and artificial ionizing radiation exposures in the civil and industrial areas:
- Safety procedures for foundries;
- Safety evaluations and controls;
- Workers’ training to deal with normal, abnormal and emergency conditions;
- Crisis Management;
- Absorbed Dose calculation and certification for class “A” and “B” exposed workers;
- Filing of the Dosimetry Control Log and absorbed dose certification;
- Radon contamination assessment and reclamation as per E.U. Rules;
- Assistance in case of Nuclear Plant Emergencies (incidents or accidents);
- Quality auditing.